Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cass vs. Quinn...

The Blood and the Glory...Welcome to the Greatest Rivalry in all of Sports...
I'd say Good Luck this weekend Quinn, but I wouldn't mean it, well at least not this weekend!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Quidditch Finale!!!

1. This “Harry Potter” character’s first name comes from Roman mythology. The mythological character’s twin brother is named Romulus. What is the Harry Potter character last name?

b. Lupin

2. Which “Harry Potter” character’s first name is the Roman equivalent of the Greed Goddess Athena?

c. McGonagall

3. In ‘Harry Potter’ World, this wizard has created the Philosopher’s Stone (called the Sorcerer Stone in the US). The historical figure from the 14th and 15th centuries was a scribe and a manuscript-seller who became famous as an alchemist. Who is this individual?

Nicholas Flammel

4. What is the first name of a character whose last name is the name of a Bulgarian leader from early 9th century who doubled the country’s territory?

b. Viktor

5. Which character’s name is the name of goddess in Indian mythology?

b. Patil

6. “Where the Wild Things Are” tells the story of Max, a young boy sent to bed without his supper for his wild antics. Who created this winner of the Caldecott Medal?

a. Maurice Sendak

7. What was NOT one of the unexpected defense mechanisms that Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook encountered in their attempt to rob Gringotts?

d. The Geminio Curse

8. What was Snape aiming at when he cut off George’s ear?

c. Another death eaters wand hand

9. How much older than James was Lily? (Referring to Harry’s parents, not children).

d. 2 months

10. Food is one of the five exceptions to what magical law?

b. Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Elle sure does know how to treat a girl....

Thank you so much for everything Elle!! I love it all!!!

CHECK Out THE BAG!! Lil skulls and knitting needles on the outside and skulls and scissors on the inside!!!! and its reversible

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The List:
The bag (up above)
Silly Putty
A Snake Lollipop
Chocolate bar from Starbucks (with coffee in it)
Needle Guage checker and ruler
Green and Purple Worsted Yarn (covered bother Slytherin and my favorite colors)
Tube with Size 8 & 9 DPNs
Book on Mittens, Note paper and Journal
Yummy Candle
Packet of Soak
Snake Facecloth
Bath Bombs
Lavender Vanilla Scrub (smellls sooo good)
Burts Bees and Lavender Chapstick
Dish Towel with Witches hat
Coffee/Latte Socks (SOOO Cute)
Cross Stitch Coffee (Given Enough coffee, I could rule the world) 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

For Quinn


Friday, April 3, 2009

Look's to the skies

I am so fricken excited...My spoiler, thee Elanor Cadagon, has dropped a hint that my package has taken flight!!!